Keep on being you and stay awesome!

Be gay and Do crimes – A wise man (CanFurence 2018)

Even if things seem bleak, please know that you’re loved and valued (Telegram Genderverse chat)

You are amazing! (CanFurence 2017)

Be who you are and love and accept who others are (CanFurence 2017)

Everyone is beautiful just the way they are ♥ (CanFurence 2018)

The only ones who are “ugly” or “unwanted” are the ones that will never see just how beautiful you truly are! (CanFurence 2017)

Thanks for reading! (CanFurence 2018)

Labels are for starting conversations, not ending them (CanFurence 2017)

Just do you!! (CanFurence 2017)

You know you best! Believe in your truth and live it however you can! (be safe; you are loved) (CanFurence 2017)

(love symbol) (agender symbol) (peace symbol) (trans symbol with a heart in the middle) (gender symbol of a circle with three arrows traversing the circle pointing diagonally down and to the left) (CanFurence 2018)

All people have the same inherent value (Telegram GV chat)

Don’t give hateful words Power (CanFurence 2017)

Don’t put off being yourself until tomorrow; do it today! (Telegram GV chat)

If you find it difficult trusting in people, trust in yourself first! (Telegram GV chat)

You’re awesome as you want! (CanFurence 2018)

Everyone is Amazing!! No matter who you are, we all love you! (Canfurence 2018)

You are valid and loved (Telegram GV chat)

Check out Lunch Box by Zaven Rose (68 Bears) – it’s a webcomic about queer people (CanFurence 2018)

Embrace infinite diversity! (CanFurence 2017)


Isn’t it great to be different? 🙂 (CanFurence 2018)

Even when it gets hard, remember you’re not alone. (CanFurence 2018)

Never let anyone tell how to be yourself that is for you and you alone, stay beautiful (CanFurence 2018)

Don’t give up (CanFurence 2018)

One is never alone (CanFurence 2017)

Make your own mythology! Be your own hero! (CanFurence 2018)

We are us! (CanFurence 2018)

Gender is a spectrum and it’s OK to be anywhere on it! ♥ (CanFurence 2018)

Be confident in yourself; it’s the only “you” that you have! (Telegram GV chat)

You don’t know me, and in all likelyhood will never meet me, but ou are special to me and I love you (Telegram GV chat)

i’m gay (Telegram GV chat)

Listen to your heart! ♥ (CanFurence 2018)

Enjoy whatever you want in life and don’t let anyone bring you down for it

I ♥ U!! (CanFurence 2018)

Be you, always – for you are awesome! (CanFurence 2018)

Fake it ‘til you make it and eventually you won’t have to fake it (CanFurence 2018)

The GENDER it’s just a word! (CanFurence 2017)

Like Lady Gaga said, “you’re beautiful in your way ‘cause God makes no mistakes!” (CanFurence 2017)

Let yourself be yourself and shine through in everything you do! (CanFurence 2018)

Proud to be me! (CanFurence 2018)

Don’t dress for them, dress for YOU! (Telegram GV chat)

You’re the only one who knows how to be you! (Telegram GV chat)

Live for you (CanFurence 2018)

Just because you identify as one thing does not mean you have to conform to everything about that group. I’m gay by preference, not by rule. (CanFurence 2017)

If everyone is unique by experience, then every experience is unique! (Furnal Equinox 2018)

Keep being you and stay awesome! (heart)